git clone https://github.com/vog/texcaller.git
This release adds support Xe(La)TeX and Lua(La)Tex. The error handling for certain corner cases has been improved. Some compiler warnings have been fixed.
This release adds support for Python 3. Some compiler warnings have been fixed. The code has been adjusted to newer SWIG versions.
This release provides a small bugfix for the PostgreSQL extension.
This release provides an improved documentation. The PostgreSQL interface has been packed into a PostgreSQL extension.
This release provides a PHP interface. The internal build system has been improved.
This release makes it easy to build only the wanted parts. Normal users don't have to run SWIG and Doxygen anymore. An interface for Ruby is provided.
This release adds a Python interface. The C++ interface now uses standard exceptions.
This release provides a C++ interface.
This release provides an interface to PostgreSQL and an improved build system.
This is the first release. It started as a reimplementation of python-tex 1.7.